Other News about gaming on Linux

Humble is doing a big Resident Evil Bundle again that's worth a look

Gaming on Linux - 21. August 2024 - 20:24
Time to finish your collection? Resident Evil: Decades of Horror - Village Gold is a freshly released Humble Bundle for you.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Turismo Racing Infinity Desk Mouse Pad Replacement

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:17


I’m trying to get a replacement mouse pad for my infinity desk but the website for Turismo Racing has them sold out. Unsure if anyone has had any luck with another seller who sells the mouse pads in similar sizes? Any help is appreciated. Not sure if it’s ok to post here.

submitted by /u/Sufficient-Assist135
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Roblox on sober simply refuses to work...

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:13

After installing sober the proper way using flatpak, i go to launch it and it DOESNT work... It just stays in my taskbar doing nothing (arch user btw). i tried launching it with the flatpak run command but it just dumps this error:

$ flatpak run org.vinegarhq.Sober

Roblox installation is required, starting onboarding flow UI...

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open simpledrm: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/GL/default/lib/dri/simpledrm_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/GL/default/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

MESA: error: zink: could not create swapchain

$ flatpak run org.vinegarhq.Sober

Roblox installation is required, starting onboarding flow UI...

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open simpledrm: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/GL/default/lib/dri/simpledrm_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/GL/default/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

MESA: error: zink: could not create swapchain

Any help is wanted...

submitted by /u/random-fun-547
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I keep getting these errors on rpcs3. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:10

I already asked on r/steamdeck, and r/emulation, which was not successful, so i'd like to see if you guys have any suggestions.

I'm currently trying to emulate ps3 games with rpcs3 on my steam deck, but i keep getting the errors you see above.

The previous suggestions i got was to set memlock to unlimited in the limits.conf with *soft memlock unlimited *hard memlock unlimited And reinstall the firmware multiple times, which didn't work

Games i've tried so far are: Yakuza: Dead souls Ryu ga gotoku: Kenzan

Any help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Fly2436
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Script Sequence Macro with window hook like logitech ghub. Sharing.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:06

I'm switching from windows to Linux and since Linux doesn't have a Logitech g hub like macro functionality i made my own (with a little help of chatgpt).

Description: It's a python script that runs a sequence of keys with delay between they and it's only active in a specific window title. Good for lazy level ups or grindings.

Its a simple script so you can modify to your will and copy the code, save as ".py" and execute or make a shortcut ".desktop".

Also you will need to import some libraries (pyautogui, pyimput...) to make it work and xdotool also works on x11 not wayland. Maybe others look for errors when you try to execute it.

I used in this macro "world of warcraft" as the game i tested and key "home" to trigger the macro. Some keys on your keyboard or mouse maybe have a different code to capture. I used piper to change one of my g600 keys to act as "home".

I'm sure there is other programs and guides (found one with 3700 words on it... tldr) out there that does this. I tried some of they but it din't work the way i liked or it was too clunky or some weird language idk.

You can compile if you want using "pyinstaller --onefile macro_script.py" but not necessary. Its not heavy to run as it is.

Also im not a programmer or native English speaker just a little lazy of pressing buttons to lvl up.


import pyautogui from pynput import keyboard import time import threading import subprocess running = False thread = None # Variable for the target window title target_window_title = "World of Warcraft" def get_active_window_title(): """ Returns the title of the currently active window using xdotool. If an error occurs while retrieving the title, returns an empty string. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(['xdotool', 'getwindowfocus', 'getwindowname']) return output.decode('utf-8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "" def close_terminal(): """ Closes the terminal window where this script is running using xdotool. This function is triggered when Ctrl+C is pressed. """ try: terminal_window_id = subprocess.check_output(['xdotool', 'getactivewindow']).strip() subprocess.run(['xdotool', 'windowclose', terminal_window_id]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error closing terminal window: {e}") def send_keys(): """ Sends a sequence of key presses (1 to 7) to the target window if it's in focus. Stops the sequence if the window loses focus or if 'running' is set to False. """ global running try: while running: active_window_title = get_active_window_title() if target_window_title in active_window_title: pyautogui.press('1') time.sleep(0.07) pyautogui.press('2') time.sleep(0.06) pyautogui.press('3') time.sleep(0.05) pyautogui.press('4') time.sleep(0.04) pyautogui.press('5') time.sleep(0.03) pyautogui.press('6') time.sleep(0.02) pyautogui.press('7') time.sleep(0.02) else: print("\nLost window focus. Stopping key sequence...") running = False break time.sleep(0.01) # Small delay to allow for quick checks except pyautogui.FailSafeException: print("\nPyAutoGUI fail-safe triggered. Stopping script.") running = False except Exception as e: print(f"\nAn unexpected error occurred: {e}") running = False def on_press(key): """ Starts or stops the key sequence when the 'Home' key is pressed. """ global running, thread try: if key == keyboard.Key.home: if running: running = False if thread: thread.join() # Waits for the thread to finish else: running = True thread = threading.Thread(target=send_keys) thread.start() except AttributeError: pass def on_release(key): """ Placeholder function for potential key release events. """ if key == keyboard.Key.esc: pass def main(): """ Main function that sets up the keyboard listener and handles cleanup on exit. """ global running try: with keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener: print("Listener started. Press Home to start/stop the macro.") listener.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nShutting down...") running = False if thread: thread.join() # Waits for the thread to finish before exiting close_terminal() # Closes the terminal when Ctrl+C is pressed print("Program terminated successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"\nAn unexpected error occurred: {e}") running = False if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Also the shortcut to execute it save as "name".desktop

[Desktop Entry] Name=Macrov1 Exec=konsole --noclose -e bash -c '/usr/bin/python3 /home/"yourname"/Documents/Macro/MACROV1.py' Icon=/home/"yourname"/Documents/Macro/"icone".png Type=Application Categories=Game; Terminal=false

Maybe you will need set some permission to execute... not sure.


submitted by /u/Offhusk
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Textures in distances in (quite) recent game ... pretty bad?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:05

Hey guys,

long story short: I recently got a new gaming pc with a 4080 super and an AMD 7900x3D with Zorin OS 17 and the propriatary nVidia driver 550.90.07 installed.

I tried different games and recognized that the distance rendering pretty much sucks... Here two screenshots:

Assassins Creed Odyssey

Assassins Creed Origins

The Witcher 3

I am playing both games on max settings (TW3 with Raytracing enabled) on 3440x1440. I tried them both on Windows - just the check - same graphical appearance. So its not a Proton thing.

I also watch a few videos on YouTube which also looks pretty much the same but I am just blown always on how blurry, unclear and washed the textures in the distance looks like. I though I am getting quite the graphical explosion now...

The simple but stupid question is: Is that normal? Is it just the games or is anything wrong with my hardware?

Thank you for any suggestions or experiences!

submitted by /u/JoeHardi
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Linux Mint - Sober not opening

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 20:00

Hi All,

I installed Sober on my Linux Mint Xfce today, no errors, rebooted, tried opening Sober, but nothing happened. No errors, or screens opened. Am I doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/ThrobStone
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Steam cloud backup corrupted | Steam cloud sauvegarde corrompue

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 19:44

Hello everyone, I use linux mint and I install Teardown on steam.

I was able to play it for a few hours last night without any problems but I had a problem with an unmounted partition later. I set the automatic mounting option at startup afterward and since then I can no longer open the game.

It loads and tells me that the synchronization with the cloud is not working, and when I choose to play anyway, the game stops almost immediately without even launching the window.

It is possible that it comes from steam more than linux.

So, my idea of ​​the problem would come from the corruption of the cloud save. I have uninstalled the game several times and reinstalled, formatted my hard drive etc.

I'm running out of ideas and can't find any documentation that corresponds to or resolves this problem.

This problem only happened to this game in particular because it is the only one I had on my disk and that I played.

I tried to install another game on the same disk and it opens perfectly, does not encounter any problem.

Do you have a solution or an idea ?

Thanks in advance.


Bonjour tout le monde, j'utilise linux mint et j'ai installer Teardown via steam.

j'ai pu y jouer pendant quelque heures hier soir sans soucis mais j'ai eux un problème de partition non monté plus tard. J'ai mis l'option de montage automatique au démarrage après coup et depuis je ne peux plus ouvrir le jeu.

Il charge et me dit que la synchronisation avec le cloud ne fonctionne pas, et lorsque je choisis de jouer quand même, le jeu s'arrête presque immédatement sans même lancer la fenêtre.

Il est possible que ca provienne de steam plus que de linux.

Donc, mon idée du problème viendrait de la corruption de la sauvegarde dans le cloud. J'ai désinstallé le jeu plusieur fois et réinstaller, formaté mon disque dur etc.

Je tombe à cours d'idée et je ne trouve aucune documentation correspondant ou résolvant ce soucis.

Ce probleme arrivée uniquement a ce jeu particulièrement car c'est le seul que j'avais sur mon disque et à laquel j'ai joué.

J'ai testé d'installer sur le meme disque un autre jeu et il s'ouvre parfaitement, ne rencontre aucun probleme.

Auriez-vous une solution ou une idée ?

Merci d'avance.

submitted by /u/Nayu692
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Black Myth Wukong - had 80fps on launch night, now same area I can't break 25fps

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 19:42

I'm a bit confused, I was playing Black Myth Wukong on launch night and after dialing settings in I was able to maintain around 75-80 fps.

However, since yesterday I cannot break 25fps no matter what. I'm in the exact same area I was in before, same settings. I lowered all settings and nothing. My only thought is maybe proton expiramental had some update?

Anyone else encounter this?

4090, 555 drivers (just tried newest 560 as well), Proton Expiramental.

submitted by /u/turbochamp
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Inspired by Lemmings and Pikmin, puzzle-platformer GOD'S GIFT is out now

Gaming on Linux - 21. August 2024 - 19:38
Following a successful Kickstarter back in late 2018, developer Straitjacket has launched GOD'S GIFT, a puzzle-platformer inspired by classic Lemmings and Pikmin.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Remembering why I got into Linux in the first place. Gaming Laptops overheat in Windows.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 19:36

TLDR: If you are on a laptop and want to play demanding games don't even bother with Windows. You laptop will overheat and stutter like crazy. Linux is the best option.

Hello! I made a post the other day about Lossless Scaling and how I'd switch to Windows over it. Which I did. And then instantly regretted it.

I am on vacations and I have my "old" laptop with me. It's a Tuxedo machine, specs are 10870H, 3080 Max-Q and 32 GBs of RAM. My normal laptop is a 7945HX and 4090M (and 32 GBs of DDR5 as well).

I know that Windows doesn't work on my main laptop cause I've been through a lot to make it usable even on Linux, as it goes well into the 100sC on Windows (and even Linux without the proper kernel version). To give you an idea Afterburner said 117C last time I put it through its paces on Windows before it shut down. Insane I know.

A little parethesis here cause I can already hear people screaming in anguish of why I don't get it fixed. I know you think something must be wrong with either the CPU chip or the cooling or whatever else but it's not. I've gotten it to service under warranty 3 times. Everytime they change the thermal paste, clean it and bring it back to me. And every time the issue is not fixed so It's definitely not a hardware issue.

The laptop is just badly designed imo BUT after Linux 6.8 it works flawlessly on Linux never going above 99C, thank you SO much Asusctl and Linux devs!

Getting back on point though, the "old" (3080 Max-Q) laptop NEVER had overheating issues. Like NEVER. Well, after I installed Windows X-Lite just cause my net is bad where I am and I also wanted to go as light as possible, I fire up the Wukong benchmark, enable Lossless Scaling and go to insane FPS. Then Control. Same thing. I come here and make the post I mentioned (which I still think is valid btw, we NEED an LS alternative on Linux) and all is well.

Next day I try Wukong again, all is fine and well. After 3-4 runs the machine starts stuttering MASSIVELY like completely unplayable FPS, something like dropping from 34 to 7 for 5-6 seconds and then coming back for 1-2 secs and then going back down again etc.

I look it up and find out that LS can increase you GPU temps. I'm like, fuck this, this is the only reason I installed Windows. But I try Wukong on Low , no RT, natve FG on and no LS. Same. Freaking. Thing.

I let the laptop cool down a bit. Same exact behaviour. After 3-4 runs stuttering like no tomorrow no matter what I did. I get insanely pissed and just turn off everything down and dont' touch the laptop for gaming till the next day when Wukong actually was out.

Neeless to say, Wukong is unplayable for me after like 5 mins on Windows. Linux though? I have Very High Preset, RT Medium and native FG on (like there's an alternative on Linux... ^_^) and I get 30-40 FPS stable and I played 2 hours no fuss.

Story Time:

After this happening, I realized that this was the actual reason I switched over completely to Linux in the first place back in 2018. I had a uni assignment and I tried Ubuntu. I, of course, didn't like it (cause Ubuntu sucks major butt to this day) and I was thinking of deleting it after the assignment was over.

I didn't know about Proton yet but I had major issues with my laptop oveheating in Windows (was an i7 something and 1060 I think) so I decided to look up gaming on Linux.

And voila! Proton was one of the search results. I was like "Wth is this thing? Play Windows games on Linux IN actual Steam?". I tried it and was FLOORED by how well my laptop worked under Linux.

The years passed and I forgot this litle detail about why I truly switched. But now I remember. And I'm never making the same mistake again.

submitted by /u/CosmicEmotion
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Windows or Arch Linux for Black myth Wukong

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 19:03

I have a I7-11800H and RTX 3060 laptop with windows 11 running and I would like to know whether it’s best for me to use arch Linux for the game rather than windows and is there any other benefits other than less memory usage.

By benefits I mean, currently I run in medium settings and would it become high or good fps.

submitted by /u/Bunker_King_003
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NVIDIA stable driver 560.35.03 released for Linux with Wayland fixes

Gaming on Linux - 21. August 2024 - 19:03
NVIDIA today released driver 560.35.03 as the latest stable version for Linux users, so here's all that's changed.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Question about specific optimization for games through AMD driver updates

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 18:54

Every AMD graphics card driver update adds support for some games. For example, next month's driver will add support for FF16 (https://www.amd.com/en/resources/support-articles/release-notes/RN-RAD-WIN-24-10-37-01.html).

Does anyone know what exactly this means? I can't understand what kind of magic is done to optimize and fix issues for a specific game through a driver update.

On Linux, we use drivers from the Mesa project. Do these drivers also have optimizations for specific games?

submitted by /u/Square_County8139
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I feel like my GPU is power limited

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 18:32

I have a RX 7600XT with Fedora 40, I install LACT to check on it. According with AMD, this is a 190W GPU, mine appears to be locked to 165W, my CPU is a Ryzen 7 3700X 65W TDP CPU with a 650 PSU, should be enough to run the card at 190W without crashing. How can I fix it?



submitted by /u/Lichshield
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I was so close!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 18:30

So close to switching this time but I didn't know about the fractional scaling issues in Wayland before trying a game in Fedora. I need 175% do to low vision so I was super confused when games wouldn't display at 1440p. I know there are a few workarounds with theming extensions on gnome but I'm not sure if I want to go about it or go back to Windows. The Linux community does phenomenal work with little compensation so I can't expect things to be fixed but I'm just a tad defeated.

submitted by /u/vexelghost-
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Is there any way to emulate Dinput with Xinput controllers?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 21. August 2024 - 17:30


I've been trying to play Dead or Alive 5 but the game doesn't properly recognize the inputs. I use an Xbox Series controller, and the buttons "start" and "select" registers as triggers in the game, and the actual triggers are not recognized at all. Steam controller configuration didn't work. I also want to be able to emulate Dinput globally so I won't have this issue in titles outside of steam. I use Linux Mint 22.

submitted by /u/LogeViper
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