Downward: umfangreiches Update bringt Linux-Version auf Augenhöhe mit Windows-Version

Nachdem die Linux-Version des Parkour-Platformers Downward länger kein Update mehr gesehen hatte, die Windows-Version aber umfangreiche Updates erhielt, sah es zunächst nicht gut für Linux-Spieler aus.
Aber die Entwickler haben Wort gehalten, und veröffentlichten heute das 3.6 GB große Update 1.02, und somit sind sowohl die Linux- als auch die Windows-Version endlich wieder auf Augenhöhe!
Hi all!
A new update has been released and is available to download.
We are glad to announce that the Linux/Steam OS full-release version is now live!
Now both Windows and Linux builds are updated to v1.02!This update also comes with another challenge by Vigamus Academy students, cheers to Peter Bagaglia, Alessio Cefola and Franco Mari creators of the "Distant Light" challenge.
Caracal TeamChangelog v1.02
Added a new challenge!
Added a reward Skypieces at the end of Lava Lake path in Deep Crater area.
Debug view mode (F5) has been disabled.
Fixed a bug with the different Planets lighting setups in CrossRoads and Sanctuary areas.
Fixed a bug with Key Binding system Mouse Buttons Detection.
Fixed a bug with Slingshot anomaly, is no longer possible to grapple while swimming.
Fixed a bug with Research Room enemies discovery saving system.
Fixed the ziplines in Sanctuary area.
Fixed the collectible counters for Deep Crater area.
Fixed the collectible counters for Winter Sea area.
Improvements to the Challenge timer:
Timer speed has been increased
Timer visibility has been improved by adding a black background.
Improvements to Challenges-related Achievements system:
Fixed some challenges where Achievements were disabled.
Fixed a small bug with Medals Achievements unlocking if the challenge was accessed by the main menu.
Dry Artifacts visibility on the navigation compass has been increased.